December 12th 2024 EDT
Hi, we received your cook book order but we failed to collect the CVV - the 3 or 4 digit security code on the back of your credit card. Please send the 3/4 digit code to jim@PROTECTED or if more convenient call 504-208-9959 any time during the day and early evening. I haven't provided any credit card information due to security concerns. We are in New Orleans. If you have forgotten which credit card you used to order I can tell you the last 4 digits and expire date too. Give a call or email. regards james cappar ...Continue Reading
December 11th 2024 EDT
Hi, we received your cookbook order for but we failed to collect the CVV - the 3 or 4 digit security code on your credit card. Please send your code to jim@PROTECTED or call me 504.208.9959. We can't process your order until we receive the 3 digit code. I haven't included your card number for security reasons. If you have forgotten which credit card you used then email me or call and I'll provide the last 4 digits and expire date to confirm. If you have any questions please call me directly at 504.208.9959 any time du ...Continue Reading
December 9th 2024 EDT
Hi, we received your cookbook order for but we failed to collect the CVV - the 3 digit security code on your credit card. Please send the 3 digit code to jim@PROTECTED or call me 504.208.9959. We can't process your order until we receive the 3 digit code. I haven't included your card number for security reasons. If you have any questions please call me directly at 504.208.9959 Thank you for your help and prompt reply regards jim capparell Kitchen & Culture Cookbook orders ...Continue Reading
December 18th 2021 EDT
Hi, your Louisiana Kitchen & Culture magazine subscription has expired and is temporarily suspended. To reinstate and make sure you don't miss our Jan/Feb issue which will mail soon you will need to renew. Renew your subscription today, fast & easy: [*]👍Call Jim at 504.208.9959 or Click for secure online renewal. [*]📬Prefer to be billed, return this email and say Bill me, I'll return a bill via email. [*]😢Want to cancel(horrors), return email say cancel, you won't receive any more pesky reminders. Renew t ...Continue Reading
July 11th 2021 EDT
Hi, your Louisiana Kitchen & Culture magazine subscription has expired, your last issue is shown on right. Your subscription is scheduled for auto renewal for 1 year($25). Your next issue will mail in August. Renew your subscription, fast & easy: [*]👍Call Jim at 504.208.9959 or Click for secure online renewal. [*]📬Prefer to be billed, return this email and say Bill me, I'll return a bill via email. [*]😢Want to cancel(horrors), return email say cancel, you won't receive any more pesky reminders. Important: ...Continue Reading
June 11th 2021 EDT
June 11, 2021 Earlier this week my sister flew in--we'd not seen her in a year and a half. We haven't done anything particularly exciting besides catch up, although we did make a trip down to Plaquemines Parish to stock up on Creole tomatoes. A platter of those with sliced pickling cucumbers, avocado, quick-pickled onion, etc. have been on the table every night. Our brother and his family will be over this weekend; I think pizza is on the agenda, because it's easy and we have a lot of catching up to do. Looking fo ...Continue Reading
June 5th 2021 EDT
Hi , your Louisiana Kitchen & Culture magazine subscription has expired. We will send you the next issue (Jun/Jul) as a courtesy so you won’t miss any issues - but you will need to renew at your earliest convenience. As I have mentioned in prior email we would try to auto renew your subscription if we didn’t hear back from you. Since we have no current credit card on file you will need to renew. It is easy here is how. Renew your subscription, fast & easy: [*]👍Call Jim at 504.208.9959 or Click for secure onli ...Continue Reading
May 30th 2021 EDT
I am resending this reminder due to errors in yesterday's email reminder. The online renewal link is fixed. If you have already responded - no worries I will confirm renewal or cancellation or bill me in a day or so. Hi, your Louisiana Kitchen & Culture magazine subscription has expired, your last paid issue is shown on right. Your subscription is scheduled for auto renewal for 1 year($25). Your next issue will mail this coming week. Renew your subscription, fast & easy: [*]👍Call Jim at 504.208.9959 or Click ...Continue Reading
May 29th 2021 EDT
Hi, your Louisiana Kitchen & Culture magazine subscription has expired, your last paid issue is shown on right. Your subscription is scheduled for auto renewal for 1 year($25). Your next issue will mail this coming week. Renew your subscription, fast & easy: [*]👍Call Jim at 504.208.9959 or Click for secure online renewal. [*]📬Prefer to be billed, return this email and say Bill me, I'll return a bill via email. [*]😢Want to cancel(horrors), return email say cancel, you won't receive any more pesky reminders ...Continue Reading
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