November Louisiana Recipes; Creole Oyster Pie, Slow-Braised Lamb, Pork, or Veal Shanks, Sweetie Pie's Collard Greens, Andouille Burgers

From: "Louisiana Kitchen & Culture" <publisher@PROTECTED>
Subject: November Louisiana Recipes; Creole Oyster Pie, Slow-Braised Lamb, Pork, or Veal Shanks, Sweetie Pie's Collard Greens, Andouille Burgers
Date: November 12th 2020
November 12, 2020

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When I started writing this yesterday morning it was cool and drizzly, thus the comfort food recipes below. Since our morning walk was delayed for weather, we went out mid-afternoon and it was muggy and hot; these recipes don't look nearly as appealing now! But those of you in cooler places will enjoy them, and the rest of us can turn the AC thermometer down a few points and pretend. It looks like fall outside, anyway...

Congratulations are due to the Northshore's Chef Robert Vasquez; he was crowned the King of Louisiana Seafood November 3 in the culmination of the 13th annual Louisiana Seafood Cookoff. His winning dish was a Red Snapper, Crawfish Sofrito; get the recipe here. Chef Chris Vazquez of Redfish Grill in New Orleans placed second, and Chef Justin Componation of Parish Restaurant & Bar in Monroe placed 3rd. Congratulations to all of you, and thanks for continuing to dish up great dishes featuring Louisiana seafood.

We're sending out subscription renewal notices, so keep an eye on your email inbox. Enjoy the recipes below, and, as always, let me know what's on your mind. Wear your mask, wash your hands, and don't touch your face!

Best regards,


Susan Ford, Publisher and Editorial Director
Louisiana Kitchen & Culture

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Taste Tammany

Creole Oyster Pie

Creole Oyster Pie

From The New Orleans Cookbook, this old recipe is a classic and is simple to prepare. Succulent Louisiana oysters and smoky bacon are covered in a rich biscuit dough with a few seasonings and baked quickly in a hot oven.

Slow-Braised Lamb Shanks

Slow-Braised Lamb, Pork, or Veal Shanks

I absolutely love a bowl of slow-braised meat when the weather is cooler. The original recipe calls for lamb shanks, but pork or veal are equally delicious. I like mine served over a bowl of rich, creamy grits, or lucious buttered egg noodles. From Perfect One-Dish Dinners.

Sweetie Pie's Collard Greens

Sweetie Pie's Collard Greens

"Miss Robbie", owner of the acclaimed soul food restaurants Sweetie Pie's, learned to cook at her mother's elbow, a Mississippi native transplanted to St. Louis. She honed her cooking skills as she traveled the country working as a back-up singer for Ike and Tina Turner, among other. This recipe is from her cookbook Sweetie Pie's Cookbook, and one of my favorites.

Andouille Burger

Andouille Burgers

Make these tasty burgers for game day. Adding andouille to the mix adds a taste of the smokehouse without the actual smokehouse.

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