➔➔➔Courtesy subscripiton renewal reminder for Louisiana Kitchenn & Culture magazine

From: "CookBook Orders" <jim@PROTECTED>
Subject: ➔➔➔Courtesy subscripiton renewal reminder for Louisiana Kitchenn & Culture magazine
Date: May 29th 2021

Hi, your Louisiana Kitchen & Culture magazine subscription has expired, your last paid issue is shown on right. Your subscription is April/May 2021 issuescheduled for auto renewal for 1 year($25). Your next issue will mail this coming week.

Renew your subscription, fast & easy:

  • 👍Call Jim at 504.208.9959 or Click for secure online renewal.
  • 📬Prefer to be billed, return this email and say Bill me, I'll return a bill via email.
  • 😢Want to cancel(horrors), return email say cancel, you won't receive any more pesky reminders.

Important: If we no longer have a credit card on file we won't be able to auto renew and will send you a reminder email to go online or call me directly.

Renew today and continue to enjoy our great Louisiana recipes and articles all through the year. Don't miss an issue; 60+ exclusive recipes plus stories that celebrate Louisiana's unique culture and heritage.

We publish here in New Orleans with subscribers in all 50 states. Your continued support is always appreciated. Thank you.😀


➠ ➠Click for online renewal or ➠call 504.208.9959. Take advantage of our special 2nd year offer for only $15 more. ➠ Do it today, don't delay! Renew and receive your Jan/Feb issue in just a couple of weeks.

James Capparell
Subscription Services
CTO Our Kitchen and Culture LLC
Louisiana Kitchen & Culture magazine


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This email is for magazine subscribers - renewal information

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